Road trip - Dive South West Rocks - 2nd to 4th May 2025


Join us on our next Road trip adventure, diving South  West Rocks.

Australia’s famous Fish Rock Cave is located on the mid north coast of New South Wales off Smokey Cape, a short two kilometre boat ride from shore.

Grey nurse populations are now on the rise after their numbers were drastically reduced to only several hundred by commercial fishing prior to their protection in 1984, and Fish Rock is a great place for a close up-and-personal interaction with these graceful, slow-moving docile sharks.

Around the rock there is abundant fish life as a result of the prevailing currents providing nutrients to the area, and the sponge gardens around Fish Rock provide shelter for colourful sea stars, delicate nudibranchs, intriguing cuttlefish, banded sea perch and red rock.

Trip includes:

  • Bus travel to and from Canberra - departing from the dive shop at 9am Friday 2nd May, returning Sunday 4th May at 10pm
  • 2 nights, share accommodation
  • 4 boat dives at South West Rocks

Trip cost $815.00 per person